People Melodies (18 Photos)

After a couple of months I’m finally ready and happy to introduce my new series, People Melodies.

People Melodies explores, through a series of creative portraits, the merger between people and the urban environment of which they are part, underlining the profound connection between us and the context in which we live, the streets we travel, the world we breathe.

Each photograph in People Melodies represents the subjects immersed in the urban fabric, blending the lines, shapes and colors of the city with the presence of those who live there. Through multiple exposures, the portraits lose their traditional contours and are transformed into visual symphonies, where individualities and the urban landscape harmoniously intertwine.

People Melodies is a visual reflection on our shared existence: each image, in fact, attempts to celebrate the synergy between the individual and the surrounding environment. This series invites us to observe beyond the visible, to perceive the encounter between the human being and his space and to recognize the influence that mutually characterizes them.

More images are coming soon, so stay connected to my social media so you don’t miss them!


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