Photography and Other Stuff – Chapter 17

Summer is coming. Not the best time to take photos, at least in Italy, given that peaks of 37-38°C (around 100°F) are expected until next Sunday. Luckily I’ll be leaving for Berlin on Friday for a few days: I won’t have a lot of time to take photographs, but I’ll try to make it enough. In the last period I have launched my new series People Melodies, as you will have read in the previous post, and I am trying to transform the idea into new commissioned works. Let’s see if it will work. A new photographic walk of my workshop on Street Photography was not as fantastic as the second one (which I told you about here), but this time too it was possible to draw an excellent lesson: after almost two hours walking between St. Peter’s Square and Castel Sant’Angelo, oppressed by the heat and the lack of interesting enough scenes to photograph, while we were about to give up for not having brought home even one good photo, my “student” and I came across this fantastic white hat, which It really made our day. So, in this case, patience is the key word.

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